Blackhorse SPITFIRE 50 ARTF


Oracover & Balsa
This ARF model is a beautiful replica of the famous World War II British War Bird. 
Even though it's been designed as a semi-scale model, the Black Horse Spitfire is remarkably
close to the true outline and consequently it looks just right.

Those elliptical wings come factory built and film covered in this camouflage scheme and the strong,
lightweight fuselage benefits from a factory painted fibreglass cowl and a pre-fitted canopy and pilot.

Dummy exhaust stacks and those large fillets complete the appearance.

Final assembly time is minimum - you don't need to add much more than a .40-.46 two stroke
(or even better, a .52-.70 four stroke) and four channel radio with five servos and a couple of evenings to complete

   1390 mm
 Engine Sizes 2 stroke
   40 - 46
                       4 stroke
   52 - 70
   4 - 6

Engine and radio control not included!


  • Model:BH16 SPITFIRE 46