Blackhorse MOSQUITO EP


Oracover & Balsa
(EP - ARF included retracts)

With that beautiful rounded fuselage, twin engines and highly tapered wing, there is no doubt that this is the famous
Mosquito! By utilising extensive laser cutting and careful wood selection,
the Black Horse Mosquito assembles into a really lightweight model.

That weight, combined with the chosen wing section makes a very docile model that is just so easy to fly!
The unique and super-lightweight GRP cowlings/nacelles can be installed and removed in less than a minute,
making easy access to your motors and speed controllers. We recommend KMS Quantum 2814/06 (x2) & KMS Sentry 40 (x2).

Flaps (4 sections) are standard and mechanical retracts are included as well Although the wings are removable
for transport, the model is compact enough to be transported in one piece in many cars.
Access to the single Li-Po battery (Impulse 3S 4000-4800mAh recommended) is via an easily removable nose cone,
which is magnetically retained. With all the small scale details that are included, the Black Horse Mosquito becomes a
 practical, yet surprisingly scale-like model of this famous aircraft without any bad flying attributes!


 Engine Sizes 2 stroke
                      4 stroke
 Electric Power
  Electric Motor: KMS Quantum 2814/09 (x2)
LiPo: Impulse 3S 4000-4800mAh
Propeller Range: 10 x 6, 10 x7 (x2)
S/C Rec: KMS Sentry 30 (x2)
   5-6 channels
   6 Servos



  • Model:BH050 Mosquito EP