World Models THE BIG WINGS EP Glider ARTF


10 foot glider with wing loading of about 8 oz/ sq. ft., excellent soaring and thermal capacities
Requires only 2 channels mixing radio with 2 high torque servos, likely the largest 2 channels glider on the market
Pre-painted fiberglass fueslage
Balsa built-up rib wings with aluminum wing tube
Detachable vertical fins for easy transportation and storage 

   3035 mm
  7100  gr
 Engine Sizes Electric Motor
   EP package (6x225W outrunner motor, mounting brackets, propellers and electric wires
                       ESC   6x25A
   3x4000 mAh 11.1V Li-Po battery and charger.
   3-channel radio with Elevon mixing
   2 high torque standard size servos



  • Model:THE BIG WINGS EP Glider A