Addiction-XL ARF
Wingspan:1500mm (59")
Wing Area:1055 sq in
Fuselage length:1585mm (62.4")
(All up weight)
Available in:Red
As requested by so many flyers, addicted to their smaller size Addiction airframes, we are happy to announce our new Addiction XL. With the first Addiction selling over 10,000 (!) planes since its release back in 2007, and still in high demand, the larger Addiction XL means exciting news for any PA flyer.
Yes, it’s a larger Addiction, but in many senses this is a new design – like any other PA plane, this too has been taken to a whole new level. Being the third release in ‘NEXT Generation PA’ it allows you to do a lot more than you would expect. Despite being a 3D plane in every aspect, it is extremely stable and precise - capable of impressive precision aerobatics manoeuvres with a feel much like a 150cc airplane.
Being built using finest grade material, all cut by state-of-the-art laser and CNC machines and utilizing the very latest PA FiberFusion® building techniques, the ADXL is incredibly lightweight and rigid. In fact it is by far the lightest fully-constructed plane in its size.
Don’t be misled by the wing span – this model is HUGE. In fact it is PA’s first entry into a new class of XL size planes with a wing area of 1,055 sq. inches (similar wing area of most 70” class aerobatic models on the market today).