Dynam Program Card 3-in-1 for stab Esc


Program card dynam 3-in-1 for stab esc RDTM-1002  
Manufacturer Dynam

Program Card
-ESC: Connect with ESC-set
-External power: Connect external power(4-6V). You should connect the ECS with external power of 4-6V if the ESC without BEC
-Brake on: brake is active
-Brake off: non active brake
-Normal Motors: for2,4,6pole motors.This timming gives maximum efficiency.
-Out rnnners: strongly recommended for outrunners
-Cut off type hard: motor is fully off immediately after reaching cut off voltage
-Cut off type slow down: motor turns off slowly by power reduction
-Throttle curve linear: half throttle is equal as 60% of maximum RPM
-Throttle curve logarithm: half throttle is equal as 80% of maximum RPM

Default Voltage:Cut off is set to 0,9V per cell for NiXX,3,0Vper cell for Li-XX


  • Model:RDTM-1002 Program card dynam 3-in-1 for stab esc