FMS P-51D Red Tail 800mm EPO


FMS 800mm P-51D Red Tail  FMS016 
Manufacturer: FMS


The North American Aviation P51 Mustang was an American long-range single-seat fighter. It proved itself to be economical, fast, well made and highly durable. Power originally came from an Allison but it was much more successful with the mighty Merlin from Rolls Royce. 

The Famous models P51 Mustang has been carefully created to give a maximum reward to the budding pilot. The aircraft features a brushless motor, 20Amp ESC, and 4 ready installed servos. Assembly takes minutes following the simple photo step by step assembly guide.

The EPP construction gives a light yet resilient airframe that will take much punishment and just bounce right back into the air! 

Compact, adrenaline fuelled, big packet of fun still doesn’t do verbal justice to this airframe, we love it! Do

  • Model:FMS016 800mm P-51D Red Tail EPOgp