Sig KADET MKII 25-40 Kit


For over 25 years, the Sig Kadet has been helping new R/C pilots earn their wings. It was the first model airplane on the market that was designed from the ground up for learning to fly R/C.

The Sig Kadet Mark II has all the features a good trainer needs.

Kadet MkII Model Airplane  
    * High-Wing Configuration for Stability Trike Landing Gear for Easy Takeoffs and Landings
    * Flat-Bottom Airfoil for Slow Flight Speed
    * Strong Sheet Balsa Construction for Duribility

Kadet MkII Model Airplane

Kit Features:
    * Photo-Illustrated Instruction Book
    * Full-Size Plans
    * Steerable Nose Gear
    * Engine Mounts
    * "The Basics Of R/C" Book
    * Elevator & Rudder Pushrods
    * Rugged Balsa and Plywood Construction
    * Die-Cut Wing Ribs and Fuselage Formers
    * Formed Aluminum Landing Gear
    * Injection Molded ABS Plastic Cowling
    * Aileron Torque Rods and Pushrods
    * Complete Hardware Pack 

 1454 mm 57 1/4 in
 1124 mm 44 1/4 in
 2267 g  
 Engine Sizes 2 stroke
  .25 - .40
                      4 stroke
   .46 - .70


  • Model:SIGRC49 KADET MKII 25-40