ESM presents the 80" IMAA LEGAL JU-87D STUKA !
Length: 1691mm(66.6”)
Wing span: 2032mm(80”)
Wing area:
Wing loading: 104.5g/
Flying weight: 6.3kg(13.9lbs)
Radio: 6ch & 8servos
Engine: 120 4-cycle
Factory painted to scale, and pre-applied decals, covered with clear coat.
Functional flaps
All hardware included (screws, rods, fuel tanks etc...)
Epoxy resin fiberglass fuselage, built up wings, covered with solartex fabric and finished with a flat paint scheme, decals pre-applied and clear coated!
The Ju-87 is the quintessential German WWII aircraft. The Stuka, which is short for Sturzkampfflugzeug (dive bomber),served with distinction in almost every theatre. It was one of the keys to the early victories of the Wehrmact in Poland, France, the Low ries and around the mediterranean.
In the Blitzkreig of Poland in 1939 and the early 1940`s offensive operations, it acted as mobile artillery ahead of the wehrmact`s fast moving armoured troops. With its screaming dive siren, the stuka spread fear amongst troops on the recieving end of its attacks. The aircraft`s lines were quite unique with inverted gull wings and an angular and aggressive appearing fuselage. Almost 6000 were produced, and they were used from North Africa to the coasts of England, and from Norway to the Russian steppes. They also saw service during the Spanish Revolution.
* Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicone fuel line
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