Robert E. Lee, thanks to the emergence of steam, at the beginning of the 18th century were built some vessels of shallow draft and large wheels of blades, capable of transporting even against the current, both passengers and large quantities of merchandise.
These Riverboats were constantly improved. Speed brought memorable competitions on the Mississippi River. It contains the traditional construction kit. It's a boat of wood and metal, scale 1:140.
Hollow town with false keel and laser cut ribs.
Parts pre-cut wood and brass turning, casting parts and photo etched brass for details.
Presented in a luxury box with all components classified and sorted for easy location.
Book of instructions in 7 languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese. Detailed instructions with photos of the step of the Assembly.
Includes also 2 planes with all views and details needed for its construction.
History throughout history, many navigable rivers which enabled the development of trade and transport, and therefore the economy.
The Mississippi is one of them.
To navigate through these rivers, its variable depth and tides, did not allow the use of normal boats.
With the emergence of steam large vessels were built of shovels.
These Riverboats were constantly improved.
Speed brought competitions memorable, holding races to see what was the boat faster 'great river'.
Robert E. Lee, was a steamboat built in New Albany, Indiana in August 1866.
He soon gained fame for its speed.
Perhaps the most famous race of Riverboats took place in June 1870, New OrleƔns to St. Louis between Natchez VI and Robert E. Lee.
1200 miles to Robert E. Lee covered in 3 days, 18 hours and 14 minutes, a mark that still lasts.
The Natchez took 4 days and 51 minutes.
ROBT. E LEE, complete kit, that spend hours and hours entertaining, enjoying its construction.
To finally have a work of art at home. Brand: Constructo Part No: 80840 Scale: 1:48