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Rccskj power box Power Red 2102
Description Min Power DP 2102 Produce features: Doube power input to improve the stabiity of power suppy, which can effectivey avoids the accident cause by poor contact of a singe bock of power batteries. Compared with the traditiona mechanica switch integrated eectronic switch has a higher security and stabiity. Nine channes for input, and sixteen channes for output.(every one channe input with two channes output ), one channe CDI remote fameout switch. Integrated CDI remote fameout switch, making fying safer Independent CDI power suppy socket. Receiver power competey separates with the CDI power, so you shoud not worry about that CDI arouses high frequency signa wi interfere the receiver. Input / output power is communicated directy,so the input votage equa to the steering gear and receiver power suppy votage, simpy use the different votage vaues of the battery can be adapted to a variety of high and ow votage actuator and receiver. Independent 5V inear reguator which provide a separate pure working power suppy to the receiver. Five eds dispay the distribution board’s working states Specia pace is designed for receiver to avoid the accidenta from bombing damage in receiver. Direct connection: When sectionboard uses 5V- 6V to suppy power, then you can choose “direct connection”. Votage drop 0.5V: When sectionboard uses 6V and you don’t ike the receive power too hight, then you can choose “votage drop 0.5V”. Votage drop 7805: When sectionboard uses 7.2V- 8.4V high votage to suppy power, then you can choose “votage drop 7805”. Technoogy parameters: Working votage: 5V-8.4V Servo’s working eectricity:0A-30A Weight: 70g Voume:116mm(ong)*88mm(wide)*13mm(height) Working temperature:-20? to 85?.
CDI signa states of the power suppy: The green ight on The green ight fash The red ight on The red ight fash Votage above 4.8V 4.5V-4.8V 4.2V-4.5V Votage beow 4.2V