Italeri 1/24 DAF3600 Space Cab
1/24 DAF3600 Space Cab 777
Product Description
Based on the excellent and reliable 3300 “Turbo Intercooling”, the Dutch truck manufacturer DAF released on 1985 the Space Cab version.
This truck has been characterized by a new aerodynamic shape with extra-ordinary comfort features.
The cabin design was, in particular, able to match the long range heavy transportation needs between European Countries.
The Space Cab was equipped with a 11,6 litre engine able to provide 373 HP and able to guarantee a good performance and low fuel consumption.
Type: Trucks
Period: Modern
Country: Holland
Model Dim.: 27,5 cm
Box Dim.: 373 x 241 x 96 mm
Model:Ita777 DAF3600 Space Cab